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The seduction of Elena takes place in the room she shares my big fat obnoxious fiance with Anais, who pretends to be my big fat obnoxious fiance asleep in her bed while her sister negotiates for her virginity. Director Catherine Breillat, never known for timidity in on-screen matters of the flesh (her 1999 movie "Romance" featured real sex scenes) presents the lovers in close-up while they talk but cuts to a weeping Anais, no longer feigning slumber, when they copulate. Again we witness Anais' isolation and her loneliness. There's jealousy here, too, my big fat obnoxious fiance not just of Elena but of the boy who wins her unequivocal attention and admiration. As rivalrous and often emotionally abusive as their relationship may be (Elena constantly insults Anais), the girls have moments of closeness that appear to be Anais' only source of pure joy. The movie, after all this dreary but absorbing drama, turns violent in a shocking ending that I won't spoil here.