February 11, 2006 Reviewer:monkeyman fat black girl fat girl

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February 11, 2006 Reviewer:monkeyman "JOE" (NC, charlotte, USA) - See all my reviewsIt will teach you about the making of the Atomic Bomb. It is said to by accurate, exccept the part about the guy that got radiated. A great and informative movie. Was this review helpful to you?  (Report this) 1 of 1 people fat girl found the following review helpful: "Should We Save Life Or Destroy It?", November 22, 2005 Reviewer:Jeffrey T. Munson (Dixon, IL) - fat girl See all my reviews       Paul Newman, Dwight Schultz, and John Cusack ster in fat girl this excellent movie about the Manhattan Project and the development of the world's first atomic bombs. Newman stars as General Leslie Groves, a hard-nosed army general who is assigned to oversee the military aspects of the project.
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