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Paul Newman, Dwight Schultz and John Cusack do excellent work. I would think only anti-nuclear or 'opposed fat free to war at any price' persons need a more morally complex or in-depth treatment of the subject. Some of the scientists were concerned, some were distraught, while others were ecstatic about their accomplishment. It's fat free all apparent enough. There are few moral absolutes during wartime, and few scientists now or then let public inhibitions get in their way. Was this review helpful to you?  (Report this) 1 of 1 people fat free found the following review helpful: A great film about the Manhatten Project, June 6, 2005 Reviewer:D. D Lawson (Pasadena, Calif. USA) - See all my reviews    If you want a good introduction to Americas bid to become a Nuclear Power in order to win the Second World war, well here you go. I feel that it (This film) showed the inner conflicts and debates of the project was fairly & intelligently represented.
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