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I became dependent on the medication, not physically but mentally, because without it, I was not able to function effectively. mixers I lost control of a business, lost several good friends, and most importantly I was losing precious lifetime because of my dependence on medicine to keep me happy. All along this mixers belief in a cure in a bottle was being reinforced by an onslaught of advertising telling me that all the worlds’ cures could be found in that bottle. Well this walking idea came to me as a last ditch effort mixers to save my life and in a misguided way it has done that very thing. Walking across the country is not a good way to lose weight permanently because it is simply not enough to just walk, there is much more to the problem than just the physicality of being overweight. Walking provides you with a steady exercise but the stresses of prolonged camping and traveling, separation from family and the terrible nutrition available to the traveler is actually working against long term weight loss.