or location. The Respondent biography over 50 sex

classifieds, phil collins, rita hayworth, graphics, over 50 sex , fun stuff, flash games, milf moms , over 50 years of age , peoplescreensavers, pics, statistics, judy garland, in other UDRP proceedings involving the registration of celebrity names. Further the Respondent has had an opportunity to respond to the Complainant’s allegations in this regard and has not done so. Mr. Burgar appears to have admitted in biography the biography Celine Dion WIPO case that he registered at least 75 domain names containing the names of celebrities and a number of celebrities have brought UDRP proceedings successfully against Mr. Burgar or Respondent entities connected with him, including Celine Dion, Kevin Spacey, Michael Andretti, Stephanie Seymour and Dr. Michael Crichton. Accordingly, the Panel is satisfied that biography in registering the Domain Name the Respondent has engaged in a pattern of conduct of registering celebrity names as domain names and must have intended that this would prevent the owner of trademark rights in those names, such as the Complainant in this case, from registering a domain name corresponding to the trademark.
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or location. The Respondent has not filed a Response in these proceedings and so has not attempted to controvert the Complainant’s allegations of over 50 sex bad faith in these proceedings. Nor did he respond to the letter before action from the Complainant. The Complainant alleges that the Respondent, Mr. Jeff Burgar, is an individual who has lost a number of UDRP domain over 50 sex name cases related to his admitted common practice of registering celebrity names as domain names. Indeed the Panel is satisfied of the connection as the address given for Mr. Jeff over 50 sex Burgar in Celine Dion v Jeff Burgar WIPO Case No. D2000-1838 is the same as the Respondent’s address in this case, not to mention the shared connection with the "www.celebrity1000.com" site and the use of the name "Alberta Hot Rods" in this case by the Respondent and also by Mr. Burgar
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