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 IBDB  IMDb mother daughter sex movie  Obituary Debra Hill (producer/writer) -- Dead. Colon cancer. Died mother daughter sex movie March 7, 2005. Born 1950. Produced and/or wrote many John Carpenter movies, including Halloween.  IMDb  Obituary Chris LeDoux (singer/rodeo star) -- Dead. Liver cancer. Died March mother daughter sex movie 9, 2005. Born October 2, 1948. Popular bareback rodeo rider who migrated to country music after his retirement.    Obituary Dave Allen (comic) -- Dead. . Died March 10, 2005. Born July 6, 1936. Irish comic who spent much of his life commenting on it from British television, briefly had a Broadway show in 1981.    IBDB  IMDb  Obituary  FindAGrave Danny Joe Brown (rocker) -- Dead.
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