Shot. Died October 20, older nudes classic film trivia

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Shot. Died October 20, 2005. Born May 24, 1989. Had a reoccuring role in Judging Amy as a gang member. She then wound up being killed in a gang-related shooting.  IMDb  Obituary  FindAGrave Rosa Parks (long-time civil rights activist) -- Dead. Died October 24, 2005. Born February 4, 1913. Woman who defied the segregation laws in Montgomery Alabama by refusing to sit in classic film trivia the back of classic film trivia the bus, the first woman to lie in state in the Capitol rotunda.   Enid Haupt (philanthropist/publisher) -- Dead. Died classic film trivia October 25, 2005. Born May 13, 1906. Publisher of the Philadelphia Inquirer who donated huge sums of money to the New York Botanical Garden, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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