Born April 3, 1928. hot moms having sex employment

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Born April 3, 1928. Many Western roles, probably best-known as Doc Baker in Little House on the Prairie.  IMDb  Obituary  FindAGrave Frances Langford (singer) -- Dead. Congestive heart failure. Died July 10, 2005. Born April 4, 1913. employment Sang "I'm in the Mood for Love", toured with Bob Hope to war zones, appeared in Yankee Doodle Dandy.  IBDB  IMDb  Obituary  FindAGrave Geraldine Fitzgerald (actress) employment -- Dead. Alzheimer's. Died July 17, 2005. Born November 24, 1913. Isabella employment in Wuthering Heights.  IBDB  IMDb  Obituary Sir Edward Heath (prime minister, British politician) -- Dead. Died July 17, 2005. Born July 9, 1916. Prime Minister of England in the early '70s.    Obituary Gerry Thomas (inventor/salesman) -- Dead. Cancer. Died July 18, 2005. Born circa 1922. Invented the TV dinner for Swanson in 1954.
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