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Re:If AT&T is innocent, they have nothing anagram to h by speed-sf (Score:3) Tuesday January 31, @06:46PM anagram Re:If AT&T is innocent, they have nothing to h by NullStmt (Score:1) Tuesday January 31, @07:00PM Re:If AT&T is innocent, they have nothing to h (Score:4, Funny) by sholden (12227) on Tuesday January 31, @07:48PM (#14612415) ( whoosh. You'll need to jump higher to catch those over your head shots. [ Parent ] 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:If AT&T is innocent, they have nothing to h by Myopic (Score:2) Wednesday February 01, @03:09AM Re:If AT&T is innocent, they anagram have nothing to h by gpw213 (Score:1) Tuesday January 31, @06:57PM Re:If AT&T is innocent, they have nothing to h by Crackez (Score:1) Tuesday January 31, @07:29PM Re:If AT&T is a ***corporation*** by mpapet (Score:1) Tuesday January 31, @08:38PM Of course it's Slashdot... by Brett Buck (Score:1) Tuesday January 31, @06:30PM Re:Of course it's Slashdot...