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If college you're hunting a guy who plants bombs in trunks then checking trunks for bombs would college also be reasonable since there is a compelling need for public safety, but I'd make anything else found in trucks inadmissable unless there was a warrant.Just think about why the 4th ammendment was actually written, and perhaps the need for it will become more clear. It was written by folks who actually used to be considered terrorists by the powers college in charge, who were on a quest to flush them out by any means necessary. That isn't to condone terrorism, but if somebody really is a public threat it won't be hard to get a warrant to search their belongings... [ Parent ] Re:Nice, Except by ObsessiveMathsFreak (Score:2) Wednesday February 01, @04:40AM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Re:Not illegal. by SQLz (Score:1) Tuesday January 31, @07:08PM Re:Not illegal.