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by Eternal Hope on Sun Aug 14, 2005 at 06:43:52 AM cunt PDT [ Parent ] I guess we are getting (none / 0) all the archtypes tonight Sleeping beauty cunt as Terri Shaivo? You'd rather watch videos of her than a vibrant, self-confidant woman who has a point to make? or, to be blunt about it, you'd rather watch videos of a dead woman than interact with a living cunt one. by TravnTexas on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 09:38:09 PM PDT [ Parent ] Vibrant and self-confident??? (none / 0) "Sleeping beauty as Terri Shaivo? You'd rather watch videos of her than a vibrant, self-confidant woman who has a point to make?" I'd much rather watch an poor invalid woman drool because she's incapable of moving... ...then watch an angry, nutty, deranged (and conscious?) hippy drool on about how we still don't know the truth about 9/11. You can defend Cindy as vibrant and self-confident, but the deranged often are. Terri had a great excuse for being in her condition. As far as I can tell, legally speaking, Cindy still has her cortex attached.