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really, it's much better with the musik. ;-) by dhatu alwanin on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 05:50:28 PM PDT [ Parent ] Hard to believe this is serious... (none / 0) Framing is not the answer to everything. These langauge suggestions are way over the top, and restaurants often dishonest to boot. restaurants Cindy Sheehan is not the head of a religious order. President Bush is not restaurants a dictator. President Bush did not kill her son. And whatever else may be true of the Iraq War, it got Hussein out of power which the majority of Americans consider a good thing, i.e. not "useless." dataguy -- Who exactly are you appealing to with this strategy? It may sound good to those in your choir (though not all from the responses here). It will sound ridiculous to those who strongly support the war. Do you really think it will work with Americans in the middle? by hg wells on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 05:56:29 PM PDT Poor attempt at framing (none / 0) Framing sometimes gets a bad rap, because it's so hard to learn to do well that it's easy to not quite manage to do it.