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Someone else did. I've suggested it before, and I'll state it again: you are bringing baggage into this conversation. Re-read my statements, and you won't find some kind of anti-woman statement. -And I think I've made it clear by now that I don't shy away from giving my opinion. "Terri Shaivo, who you would rather music promotion watch on a video, and Cindy Sheehan, who you would not." You don't quite have it right. If I had to watch one of the two, I would music promotion choose Terri. Like I said before, Cindy is taking advantage of her dead son, music promotion while Terri isn't doing harm to anyone. That doesn't mean that I'd love to watch video of Terri, or any other invalid. >>> Until I say something bad about women, I'd love it if you'd keep your Freud to yourself. << "The irony of this statement just made my morning.