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As you ride up the first time, you naturally think that the board will tip as your body passes the fulcrum. It doesn’t. You keep riding up, wondering when it’s going to go. Then, just about as you stall out, the board tips suddenly. Wham! In an instant, you go from pointing straight up to rolling straight down. It was a rush. Bob and I rode the see-saw at least a half-dozen times each. That personal slow…slow…slow…FAST personal feeling never got old. A personal Clean, A Crash, And A New Term Defined Next up, riding up and over a very narrow series (three inches or so) of slats, nailed together on a board and leaning on a log — like a very skinny ladder. Then you go down the other side on a similar series of slats. I only tried this move once, because I cleaned it on the first try, much to Bob’s amazement. Alas, the story does not end there. I brought quite a bit of speed into this move, figuring it would be easy to keep the straight line necessary if I had momentum. This was correct, but it meant that I was going pretty fast as I came off the last slat.