Please. If parents don’t fatbaby burn fat

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Please. If parents don’t have the wherewithal to say no when their kids ask for something they saw on TV, their problems go far beyond the risk of chubby offspring. This is not to deny burn fat that burn fat the rise in obesity among minors, which has been accompanied by the increasingly early occurrence of what used to be called "adult onset" (Type 2) diabetes, is a legitimate cause for concern. The government’s data indicate that 15 percent of Americans between the ages of burn fat 6 and 19 were overweight in 2000, about three times the rate in the early 1970s. It’s certainly appropriate for parents, educators, nutritionists, and physicians to talk about how to improve nutrition education, increase physical activity during the school day, and raise the quality of food available in schools. But anti-fat activists are using concern about obese kids to justify policies that treat adults like children -- as any attempt to eliminate ads that reach minors inevitably would. Giant Killers Brownell understands that since "the responsibility to protect children is deeply ingrained in American morality," it makes sense to depict the anti-fat campaign as a crusade to save the children.
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