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Here's Moore, introducing herself to her readers: "I am a short, squat toad of fat tgp a woman. My curly auburn hair is fading. Curls form a clown's ruff about my round face. My shoulders are wide. My fat tgp upper arms are as big as those maroon-skinned bolognas that hang from butchers' ceilings. My belly juts out. The skin on my thighs is pocked, not unlike worn foam rubber. When I walk my buttocks grind like the turbines I once saw move water over the fat tgp top of the Grand Coulee Dam." Moore doesn't feel sorry for herself, and she doesn't want you to, either. She simply wants to tell you about being fat from her point of view. And she respects herself and her reader too much to pretty things up, or hide behind gauzy metaphors. Sometimes fat blisters, she writes, when fat thighs rub together. Sometimes it has a distinct smell, as it did here, when Moore went on shopping expedition at a store catering to fat women exclusively.