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Although Shanker's opinions on full-figured fashion bachar and feminist philosophy are bachar entertaining, she's at her best writing about her stint at Duke Diet and Fitness Center, one of the country's oldest and most successful weight management centers. As her optimism about the hardcore Duke University Medical School program flags, her diary of adventures becomes bachar increasingly irreverent, refreshing and human. Anyone who has ever tried to lose a pound will gain confidence and a sense of humor from Shanker's story. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Review Praise for Wendy Shanker: "A woman to watch: fierce, funny, media-savvy."-Ms."Gut-busting."-Entertainment Weekly"Wicked."-Newsweek"A bubbly diva."-Harper's Bazaar See all Editorial Reviews Product Details Hardcover: 304 pages Publisher: Bloomsbury USA (April 17, 2004) Language: English ISBN: 1582344280 Product Dimensions: 8.5
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