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We swear we don’t make this stuff up. The choices are Decision Driver, Idiometrics or Proofpoint. If only they knew how fitting “Idiometrics” is…. Wednesday, May 11th, 2005 - 2:26pm | industry insider + liberal news media naming process + product names | liberal news media Comments (0) Zen and the art of the verbal identity engineering process Check out this liberal news media enigmatic press release from the naming company with the longest name in the naming business, Zenmark Brand Engineering, Inc.: Zenmark Brand Engineering, Inc. announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has received and acknowledged the company’s patent application filing for its invention of a unique and innovative creative development process in the area of product, service, and company naming. Zenmark’s Verbal Identity Engineering (Patent Pending) process has proven to revolutionize the naming industry by applying a rigorous and repeatable methodology to the often unstructured and undisciplined process of brand name creation.