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Unless, of course, I’m not.   PS: How to Give Credit Where Credit’s Due When, last week, I said that Carb-Boom’s apple-cinnamon energy gel tastes just like McDonald’s apple pie filling, I should have mentioned that my riding bud Eric Gunnerson told me this exact thing about a year ago. I just didn’t believe him. Well, he was right. Eric is, by the way, currently engaged in an interesting new blog project called Explanations, wherein he moderates an ongoing inquiry into what the cute nude fat woman little sayings on the inside nude fat woman of Dove’s candy wrappers mean. And for that reason, I nude fat woman am changing my rating of Eric from “Evil Genius” to “Evil, Whimsically Misguided Genius.”   PPS: See this Movie if You Have Four-Year-Old Kids I took the twins to see the Curious George movie over the weekend.
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