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Click here to read it birding in birding facts now. Add a comment | Read comments (27)8:09 AM | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) | Blog itPermalinkCloseFebruary 06Lance and Sheryl Split: Cycling World Dutifully Professes Shock, Sorrow, Disappointment AUSTIN, TX (Fat Cyclist Fake News Service) — Members of the Discovery birding in birding facts Cycling Team claim to be saddened by the news released to People Magazine last Friday, that Lance Armstrong and Sheryl Crow have broken off birding in birding facts their engagement. Said a racer who wished to remain anonymous, “I am deeply sorry for Lance and Sheryl, and send them my best — albeit anonymous — wishes during this difficult time for them. I am also deeply sorry that this means OLN’s coverage — if it even covers the Tour de France, now that Lance is gone — will have to be about the race and riders, instead of hobnobbing on-camera with some pop star who has exactly two interesting songs in her entire catalog.”