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My personal growth self-esteem bike is not visible to the naked eye. It personal growth self-esteem is a product of the world's finest nano-technology lab, and though it boasts conventional frame geometries, its tubes have the tensile strength of personal growth self-esteem spider's silk the thickness of a waitress's arm. When I ride it, the frontal area I present to the wind is smaller than the surface area of a bottle top. On the island I hold time trials. Email me with your address, Dope Control, and I’ll get that seat bag out to you. PS: Today’s Weight is 169.8. I guess when I stick to my diet and exercise, I can lose weight. Amazing!Add a comment | Read comments (35)8:56 AM | Permalink | Trackbacks (0) | Blog itPermalinkCloseFebruary 08Desert Island, Desert Island Bike Is there a more hackneyed conversation starter in the world than, “If you could bring only one _______________ to a desert island, what would it be?”