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Based on this estimate, this rule will realize a cost savings of $900 million to $1.8 billion per year in medical costs, lost productivity, and pain and suffering. FDA estimates that industry will incur a one-time cost of approximately $140 to petra wildgoose $250 petra wildgoose million. These costs include: determining the amount of trans fat in the food products, relabeling the Nutrition Facts panel to add trans fat, petra wildgoose and reformulating products voluntarily to decrease the amount of trans fat. If You Need More Information? Federal Register Final Rule: Trans Fatty Acids in Nutrition Labeling, Nutrient Content Claims, and Health Claims (July 11, 2003) FDA Acts to Provide Better Information to Consumers on Trans Fats Guidance on How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Panel on Food Labels. Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Food Labeling: Trans Fatty acids in Nutrition Labeling; Consumer Research to Consider Nutrient Content and Health Claims and Possible Footnote or Disclosure Statements (July 11, 2003) Disclaimer: FDA is issuing this document as general information for the public.