This is a caramelizing pictures of fat women odd

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This is a caramelizing called the Maillard reaction. Now stir the tomato paste into the okra pieces. Turn the cooked okra out onto a plate, scraping up all the tasty brown pan residue. Add the remaining oil to the same pot. odd Add the onions, celery, green pepper and garlic. Let the vegetables swelter and fry over high odd heat. Stir in the cooked okra and continue frying over odd high heat. Pour in 4 cups (944 ml) water, thyme, bay leaves and the "Creole torpedo" - the cayenne pepper. Simmer 30 minutes. Just before you're ready to serve, stir in the shrimp. Cook only about 4 minutes. The shrimp should not be overdone. To Serve: Spoon the rice, fragrant from the shrimp shells, into a bowl. Sprinkle the chopped green onions over the rice. Top with the shrimp gumbo. Sprinkle with emerald flecks of fresh, chopped parsley. Helpful Hints & Observations What to do with the roux? Another really tough issue: can it be Creole without the roux, the incredible invention that provides both depth of taste and silky thickening to so may wonderful dishes?
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