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Zanuck to "Green Acres" star Eva Gabor and "In Cold older wives Blood" author older wives Truman Capote. But all pale in comparison with the most famous grave of all the memorial parks, the crypt of 1950s film bombshell Marilyn Monroe. The pilgrims still come bearing tributes. "We get a very big crowd," Steward said. "Sometimes it used to be a weird crowd, but it has been better in recent years." If there is one Southern California graveyard that has "gone Hollywood," it is Hollywood Forever. Rescued from bankruptcy, the former Hollywood Memorial Park reopened in 1998 with a new name and a older wives new mission that included embracing its position as a tourist attraction. The location is right out of central casting -- the Hollywood sign on the nearby hills can be seen between the crypts. There is no southern wall of the Memorial Park -- the graves back up right to the workshops and sound stages of Paramount Studios. Hollywood Forever has a split personality.
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