Thank you Congress. Posted milf hunter jessica 15 year old girl sex

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Thank you Congress. Posted by Ozwald January 14, 2004 08:11 AM Not withstanding the fact that I tend to agree that a distributor of child porn 15 year old girl sex probably deserves a 10 year sentence, I still wonder just who is really behind the mandatory 15 year old girl sex minium sentence guidelines. However, what does the term "child porn" mean in this case? Willing 17 year old models who look 13? Judge Gerard Lynch... served as Chief 15 year old girl sex of the Criminal Division in the Southern District of New York and, we are told, is probably as respected as anyone in the New York legal community for his intelligence and judgment. You need to take that into account before you condemn the perp. Unless you were sitting there in the court room for the proceedings then it's easy to be wrong. Posted by Robert January 14, 2004 08:22 AM I think mandatory sentencing often produces offensive results, but I don't think this is the best case to demonstrate it.
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