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Given outrageous the macho culture and the fact that the victim is Nigerian I’m not very hopeful. 27 FreeDem Mar 8th, 2006 at 8:57 am …”The prolonged psychological stress to which the accused was subjected and the lowered importance outrageous he ended up giving to the life and wellbeing of those around him can only have influenced the committing of the crimes.” And I thought this was the point outrageous of bootcamp, why is anyone suprised that putting teenagers with less than ideal education, first through bootcamp, and then into an occupation of an incomprehensable culture, where the difference between local and enemy is between those who hate you and those who hate you and have a gun. That they often have trouble achieving human balance, even to pathology, is certainly understandable. But because the criminal has been a horrific victim, does not make them less a criminal, anymore than battering can be defended by having been battered. That said, abusing people for having been abusers has never been a comfortable chioce for my thinking, but a lack of reasonable people (on either side of the bars) or doable alternatives, make that a way bigger can of worms than can be treated in a blog post.