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| Comments (1) Joanie loves Karachi For patriot act all of you press agents out there complaining that times are tough, try writing a press release promoting tourism from India to Pakistan. That’s just what the earnest scribbler tasked with writing this release was up against. patriot act Our favorite line is the inspirational conclusion: Clearly, there are far worse places in the world to take a patriot act holiday! Indeed. Sunday, June 19th, 2005 - 3:03pm | advertising + branding | Comments (4) Pandora’s Boxers “How’s yer Father’s Day” is a nice play on words this Father’s Day eve, and a nice gift idea as well. From Brand Republic LONDON - Ann Summers is running a risqué Father’s Day promotion directed at mothers who buy their partner a present on behalf of their children. Called “How’s yer Father’s Day“, the activity is based on the assumption that many mothers buy socks and jumpers on behalf of their young children.