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That’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the picture of this lets’s say not traditionally gorgeous TA and then the pics of all these blonde shiksa students; “Gee, let’s all be geek airheads and giggle geek behind our hands as we have a good laugh trying to be as scatalogical as possible.” It sounds like more something out of Sweet Valley High and “Heathers” than actual libel, to be. My advice to those girls is “Grow up, kids. Recess is over” Mike Roberts, Canadian University, at 9:35 am EST on February 14, 2006 Sometimes geek Litigation Is the Way To Go I agree with Larry ... and more. The “Clearly Rachel doesn’t know what she’s doing, ever” Group should sue Syracuse University to force it to make its academic policy explicit in circumstances like this. In addition, Rachel Collins should sue the Group for whatever (you tell me Larry) to force differentiation between “freedom of speech” in an academic setting and slander.